Sunday, October 17, 2010

dear brain

I've been wanting and trying to write these past few days but it seems like my mind cannot decide on what to write about.

Should I write about the loss of a loved one?

About the 6 months that passed which I have spent preparing for the biggest exam of my wannabe dream?

Or all these things that are running on my head right now. Thoughts that I don't even know how to express.

My head is all jumbled up again. But this time I can actually say that I don't mind. After trying to discipline my head to focus on becoming somebody, disregarding all the things in my life that might distract me, I think it deserves a little break. It has earned the right to run in circles for a while; to not make any sense at all.

So okay, brain,
I'm giving you a time out. But I'm sorry to tell you that your time out might come to an end soon. We have to get moving in a few weeks time... You know fully well that I'm not really cut out for this doing nothing lifestyle. You know we both hate it... I'm only giving you a time out now because I feel like I've been pretty hard on you for the past months. So..enjoy it while it lasts!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

negaman is dead

"You never get over the pain, you simply get used to it."